Information about the Origin of the Camp Fire
There are two suspected origin points: (1) transmission lines in the area of Pulga Road and Camp Road and (2) 12 kV distribution lines in the area of Concow Road and Rim Road. Initial reports suggest the problem at the first suspected origin point relates to a transmission line jumper cable. Initial reports suggest the problem at the second suspected origin point involves one or more trees or tree branches making contact with the distribution lines.
Here is a link to the report PG&E filed with the CPUC for the first incident:
The summary reads as follows: On November 8, 2018, at approximately 0615 hours, PG&E experienced an outage on the Caribou-Palermo 115 kV Transmission line in Butte County. In the afternoon of November 8, PG&E observed by aerial patrol damage to a transmission tower on the Caribou-Palermo 115 kV Transmission line, approximately one mile north-east of the town of Pulga, in the area of the Camp Fire. This information is preliminary.
Here is a link to the report PG&E filed with the CPUC for the second incident:
The summary states: On November 8, 2018, at approximately 0645 hours, PG&E experienced an outage on the Big Bend 1101 12kV Circuit in Butte County. CAL FIRE has collected PG&E equipment on that circuit. CAL FIRE has secured a location near PG&E facilities on that circuit. This information is preliminary. PG&E is cooperating with CAL FIRE.
The image above was taken by Walkup, Melodia, Kelly, & Schoenberger. It is a panorama at the second suspected origin point that shows where the poles were found on the ground. In the image above, the red lines represent the approximate area of where the poles used to be standing. The grey line shows approximately where the lines traveled